In 2000, Victor Adams decided to set up a school in Kibera, a slum in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Victor Adams has started a class with children of 3 years. Each year there is a new class added. The children could continue to the next grade and new children could begin in the class of 3 years. For example, the school has grown to approximately 300 children in 2008 with 9 classes. The classes are led by Victor Adams in collaboration with 13 teachers who also come from the slums. In 2005, the school was completely dependent on local sponsorship. Victor Adams has built some relationships with others in the Netherlands and other well-wishers who have tried to support the home. Please read about these sponsors under the funding tab. Victor Adams Omonde Victor Adams is pastor of a small Christian church in the Kibera slum in the Kenyan capital Nairobi. In addition, he runs the school in this district 'Victory Hope Children Centre. Employees Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya Total 18 staff members, including Victor Adams himself. It employs 13 teachers, including Lydia Adams, the wife of Victor. |